You have a few options when it comes to tubs. For the first few months you will most likely be bathing your baby in your kitchen sink, so you might want to start with a smaller tub (it is nice to stand up and have better use of your arms). Some of our Mama’s forego the tub all together and just line the sink with towels to prevent slippage (more clean up). There is also the option to get a larger tub, and use it in the bathtub (we like the Euro Tub but then there’s the question of where to store it when not using it). Whatever you decide to do just make sure there is something in the tub to make it slip-proof. Once your baby is old enough to sit-up on their own, bathing them in the actual bathtub (with a slip-proof mat under them) is the way to go. The only real opinion us Mamas have when it comes to tubs is NOT to get a collapsible tub.
As for bath time accessories, you won’t need much until they are old enough to play with something. For that age we like the oldy-but-goody rubber ducky and the Munchkin cups. And for baby wash, we are all fans of the classic Johnson & Johnson baby wash – your mom used it, the hospitals use it – it never goes out of style!
Since bath time is our favorite time of day, I thought I would add to the Baby Momma blog with my baby bathing experiences...
ReplyDeleteFirst, we love our "The First Years Sure Comfort Deluxe Newborn-to-Toddler Tub". I didn't use it with the bath cradle because my son just got cold. For the first two months we did the towel next to the sink wash cloth and cotton ball bath. Now we run the shower with the baby tub in position and close the bathroom door to keep it warm. We also toss in our "Especially For Baby Color Change Ducky for Bath" which makes Temperture checking a breeze...the ducky includes a color change feature that reveals the word "HOT" if the water is too warm!
Once baby is undressed we head into the bathroom, check to see if ducky say HOT and if not the bath begins. So for those looking to set up a registry, I highly recommend the "First Years Sure Comfort Deluxe Newborn-to-Toddler Tub" and the "Especially For Baby Color Change Ducky for Bath".
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