
Monday, July 26, 2010

Babies and Books

While I am home for the summer, I try to bring Baby C to new places and expose her to new experiences as often as I can. Last week Baby C and I discovered Babies and Books story time at the Westwood Public Library. Every Friday, the library holds a story time from 10:30-10:50 for children ages two and under. Story time takes place in a quiet, child-proofed room which is separate from the rest of the children's area. Babies and their caregivers sit on cushy mats, or at least attempt to sit on cushy mats, while the very kind, patient librarian engages the babies with songs, stories, and puppets.

Story time has not changed much since I was a wee one thirty-ish years ago. The librarian began story time with a "Hello Neighbor" song. Then, she showed babies different colors on a snazzy felt board, danced and sang the Hokey Pokey, performed an Oscar-worthy puppet performance of Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, and brought down the house with a short picture book geared especially for a very young audience. The babies and toddlers LOVED story time. They were able to dance, sing, wiggle, and wave to other babies. The librarian kept the children entertained and somewhat focused. I was amazed by how well the babies listened and how much they enjoyed story time. At one point, Baby C looked up at me with a huge smile and said something like, "Gaba ma ma goo," which I think translates to, "Mama, thank you so much for bringing me to this totally amazing place! You are the best Mama EVER!" or something like that.

If you are looking for something quick and easy to do with Baby, Babies and Books is a great activity! If you do not live nearby the Westwood Library, check out your public library's web page. Lots of communities offer wonderful activities for little ones at the public library. It's old fashioned, free, and fun. If you do stop by Babies and Books, Baby C and I will save you a seat in the front row.

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