
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Go Bananas Before Baby!

As I was pushing baby M and the pooch through the Arboretum this morning I watched the runners zoom by me and head down these mysterious trails into the woods and up hills and all around. I thought to myself "I wonder what is down there? Well, I guess I won't find out because a stroller can't go on the woodchips and up that steep incline. Maybe I will come here without baby M one day. No, that will never happen, I guess I will never know..." And those insanely deep thoughts led me to this post. What do I wish I did more of before I had baby M (besides taking the off-road trails of the Arboretum - ha!)? Here is my advice to you soon-to-be new parents:

1. Go out to eat as much as you can. Yes, you can still go out to eat once the baby comes, but not to your favorite fancy restaurant, and not at prime time eating hours. We can go out now at 5:30 if we want to hit the hot spots, which is nice because it is quick service, but some places can't so much accommodate a stroller, and most places don't really want babies there I am sure. We have gone out after she has fell asleep, and had her with us in the stroller, but that is only to local restaurants, not anywhere in the city. And then the entire time we are worried about her being in the way, or making a peep, or it being too loud, so we don't truly get to enjoy our meal. Of course you can use a babysitter, but you will still be worrying about your babe most of the time and will be on a schedule. Again - Go out as much as you can just as a couple!!

Good Times in Vegas
2. Go dancing with your girlfriends. Before babies were even talked about, I used to go out dancing with my girlfriends at least twice a month. You know those crazy nights were you get all dolled up, wear your high high heels, drink 10 Captain n' Diets and end up dancing either on a table, on a pole, or riding a mechanical bull? Oh I miss those sweaty nights on dark dance floors dancing to hip hop with my ladies (and the occasional random man until he gets to gropey). Now the only time I dance with my friends is at weddings! How pathetic. Since we now all have kids it is nearly impossible for us to get together for lunch, let alone a crazy girls night out. And one of us has been pregnant for almost three years now, so there hasn't been a time where we could all go out and do it up. Again - Strap on those stilettos and go dancing with your girlfriends!!!

Santorini - One of my favorite places
3. Go on vacation. I don't care with whom, but go on vacation to places you have never been. My husband and I did a Mediterranean Cruise to Egypt, Greek Islands and Turkey before we started trying for baby M and damn am I happy we did it, because it would be another 20 years before we are really able to do something like that again. We made it a point to go to Montreal (somewhere I had always wanted to go) as our babymoon because when would we have time to go now? I have always wanted to go to Paris, and now it will be years before we can make that trip. Go on vacation while you can!!!

4. Have alone time. Once the baby comes, you are never alone. Stay home alone one night and enjoy a glass of wine and a movie. Take a hot bath (while enjoying some wine) by yourself. And when I say alone I do mean by yourself, but also enjoy time alone with your partner at home too.

5. Speaking of alone time with your partner...HAVE LOTS OF SEX. Because you won't be doing it much when the babies start coming!

6. Read books. Read as many books as you can. Do not put it off because you will have NO time to read once the baby comes. That is not true - I read to my daughter every night, and I have read many parenting how-to books, but a novel? No dice.

I used to enjoy exploring the city with my camera
7. Enjoy the city. No matter where you live, get out and do the touristy things you wouldn't normally do. I wish I went to museums more, went shopping more, went to more Red Sox games, more concerts...all that sort of stuff before baby was born. Of course I can do them now, but it involves so much more planning than it did before. I miss the days where I would go downtown and spend the day shopping by myself, and take in lunch outside on Newbury by myself.

8. Go to the movies. You cannot bring babies to the movies - unless it is the "Baby Pictures" that is once a month at the movie theaters. I used to go weekly, even by myself some times. I miss it terribly.

What are some things you miss doing now that baby is here?

1 comment:

  1. Ditto for everything listed above. And to add to that---just running out "real quick" by myself to CVS or the grocery store or the post office. Things I had the "luxury" of doing very quickly (or at all) before I had a double stroller & 2 boys involved are now like Cecil B. Demille productions. So yes, parents-to-be, do it all now while you can (and SLEEP!!! Can't believe I forgot SLEEP!) But to end positively, all of the things I "can't" do anymore don't even compare to all of the things I get to do now with my two little ones!
