I have always been a crafty person. I loved drawing and anything to do with art when I was little. At most of my birthday parties when I was young we spent part of the time doing some sort of craft. In middle school I loved fashion and drew photos I saw in Vogue in countless notebooks. In high school I was obsessed with making scrunchies, and would spend every dollar of allowance on different fabrics. I also started to get into photography when I worked on the yearbook my senior year of high school.
from my jewelry line |
In college I got into jewelry design, which later turned out to be more than a hobby and I launched my own jewelry line in 2003, and went on to sell it at numerous shows and stores (including Bloomingdales). I love to hand-make people's birthday cards, and wrapping presents? More like wrapping presents in works of art that will make you not want to even think about what is inside! (this made me laugh out loud, as I exaggerate, but only a little...haha).
the infamous b-day tutu |
When I had M I semi-retired from the jewelry design, but my creative juices have been flowing into other projects, that for some reason I become obsessed with for short periods of time.
There was the tutu phase last year. I made one for her witch costume at Halloween and it was so easy and fun to make, I made 2 more. I bought all this tulle and ribbon, spent hours making them, and now they sit in my studio collecting dust. I have enough tulle leftover to make them for an entire dance troop. Seriously, how many tutus can one child have?
Then came the scarves. In my jewelry making I crochet using wire, so I thought, I could do this with yarn? And I did...and then I spent a fortune on yarn and decided to make them as gifts. I went all over Boston to yarn stores and bought all this fancy yarn and crocheted until I couldn't feel my fingers every night. And then I got bored...
baby barrettes - my latest creation |
Now I am onto barrettes. M's hair is getting a little long, so my mother suggested using some barrettes. I went to Claire's and got her some cheapy little ones, and after further examination I thought (as I do with everything I see) "I can make this." So I bought enough ribbon, flat back rhinestones, flowers, doo dads and doo hickeys to make 100 barrettes. I have made 10 so far, and all of the sudden M has decided that she doesn't like to wear barrettes, she likes to pull them out of her hair and have me put them back in...so she can just pull them out again.
I made this collage for M's wall
(friend made the fabulous quilt!) |
So now I have a bin full to stuff to make baby barrettes, which sits in my studio next to the following bins...Dog Collar Supplies...Purse Making Supplies (handles, snaps, straps, etc.)...Belt Making Supplies (these I actually sold at one time too)...which are all stored in my studio where I will one day sit quietly and start making jewelry again. Or maybe I will try to make baby clothes??
I need serious help...
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