
Thursday, September 1, 2011

One Busy Mama

by Mama L

Raising a family while living in 2 separate states is what my life has now come to. After moving back to Pennsylvania last year, my husband had accepted a contract job overseas for a year. We were preparing for time away from each other, but never thought of the possibility that his job would get cancelled. After months of trying to find viable employment in this area with no luck, he started his search in other states, never thinking that employment somewhere else would come through before something here. After careful consideration, he accepted and moved about 6 1/2 hours away in June. Thinking we would shortly follow in the summer months, we never prepared for the way things have now worked out. There was no way to buy a house and get settled before the next school year started so we, together, agreed that it would be best for me to stay here and let them finish another year of school here before relocating with him.

These past 2 months have been hectic, to say the least. Thank goodness for FaceTime on iphones!! That has been a great way to keep in touch. Remaining positive and reassuring the kids about daddy being in their hearts has helped alot too. I have gone camping, to various museums, back to school visits, beach vacations and all sports and activities with just myself and the kids. I have taken on all the responsibilities of parenthood on my own for this next year, with the occasional visits from my husband. Work is so busy, so he can visit about once every other week. I am getting overhelmed, so I have to take a few moments for myself each night to refresh. I look forward to the light at the end of the tunnel and cherish the time when he is home visiting.

With 2 kids in middle school, 2 in elementary school and 2 in preschool.....I will certainly keep busy. I am hoping that time goes by quickly. 


  1. wow, that must be so difficult being part and not having his help. i hope it all works out soon!! best of luck


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