
Thursday, November 24, 2011

On this day of giving thanks...

Even though the last few months have had more low lights than high ones (I have lost both my grandfathers, fertility issues, etc.), I have a ridiculous amount of things in my life to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day, and every other day of my blessed life. More importantly I have a number of people to be thankful for...

My husband. I put him first and foremost because he is not only my best friend, but my other half, my rock, my soulmate and the love of my life. He works so unbelievably hard at his job to provide a wonderful life for his family, and this year it proved worth it when he made partner at his firm. I am so unbelievably proud of all he has done. His busy schedule has taken him away on business more this year than ever, which somehow makes our time together even more rewarding and special. I am so thankful to have him in my life, thankful for the universe for allowing us to find each other and create this perfect family together, thankful for his love and support through all of the ups and downs this year, and for loving me as much as he does each day.

My amazing daughter. I seriously have the coolest, smartest, funniest, most dramatic, caring 23 months and 3 weeks old daughter there is on the planet. She makes every day better than the last. I am thankful to have her as my partner in crime on our daily adventures, for being a wonderful playmate, for loving me unconditionally, as I do her. I am thankful to her for making me a more patient person, a more understanding person and a more selfless person. I love having you in my life, Moo, and can't wait to see what the world has in store for us next year.

My parents. Before we had M I saw my parents, who live in South Florida, probably 3-4 times a year, for a few days at a time. Now that they are grandparents they actually live up here for 4 months of the year and when they are not up here in Boston, they make it a point to see their grandchild every few weeks - which means either flying us down to see them, or coming up our way. They are the most generous, most loving and supportive parents/grandparents a kid could ask for. To watch them with M warms my heart every time we are all together. And M couldn't love two people more (I actually think she likes them more than my husband and I when we are all together). They have given us so much emotionally and physically (thank you for all the free babysitting) this year and we are forever in their debt. I don't know how we could survive without them.

My brother. I am thankful for his health and happiness, and his enthusiasm and spontaneity which helped him pick up his life in New York and move to Europe and start on a new adventure. He has become such a lovely, imaginative and creative man. I am so thankful for the little time we get to spend together as there is such a big distance between us now - it just makes our time together that much more special.

My girlfriends. I have such a wonderful supportive group of friends. This year I have leaned on them a lot during some pretty emotional times, and I can't thank them enough for being who they are and not trying to sugar coat things, and letting me vent and always saying the right things. And for helping to get my mind off things when I needed it most. I am thankful to have such lovely women in my life - those I have known for a long time, and those that have come into my life in the last few years - I love you all and couldn't be who I am without you.

My dog. Well, it depends on what day you catch me if I am really thankful for my dog. Today she is being very good, so I am thankful for her. Yesterday she was a total Beagle Hole (as my husband and I like to call her - this was actually the last name of a make-up artist on ANTM - Beaglehole...REALLY?) and I wanted to open up the door and let her run away, but some days she just comes over and rests her adorable head on my lap and looks up at me with those eyes, and all is right with the world. For those moments I am thankful.

My extended family - Grandmothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins. I am thankful to have you all in my life, and thankful for Facebook for reconnecting me with a lot of you!

Our BBM Followers. I am so thankful for everyone that actually reads my long and drawn out personal posts, like this one! I am also very thankful for your support during these last few months, as I have shared some of my most intimate moments with you all, and you have been nothing but kind and thoughtful with your comments and emails.

I wish all of you, and yours, and very Happy Thanksgiving. If you are with your loved ones today, be sure to tell them all how you feel (not like the Airing of Grievances on Festivus) and spread the love and thanks.

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