
Monday, January 2, 2012

Back to Reality

Just 5 short days ago I was sitting by my parent's pool, in 75 degree weather. Now I am back in the northeast, and tomorrow it is high of 29. It took me about 24 hours to lose the tan that I got after 11 days in the glorious Florida sunshine, and now my body is a flaking dry mess. We spent 90 percent of the time in Florida outdoors, basking in the sun, breathing the fresh warm air, and the last 4 days I spent inside my dry house, save the time I have spent running from my car to another indoor location. 

It was a lovely vacation, and a wonderful time spent visiting with family and friends. Normally I would have said 11 days would be about 5 too long for me to be at home, but I think I could have stayed another two weeks. Who wants to leave a spotless house, filled with fabulous food and built-in babysitters? Not I!

It is this time of year that I look forward to least. I am down from the high of the holidays, back in the bleak New England winter, with not much to look forward too in the next few months except shoveling, and more shoveling, and more time spent indoors (wow, Debbie Downer!) I am one of those people that lives for the holidays. I LOVE decorating the house. I love buying people presents, and especially wrapping them. I love the music, and all the food, and the family is just such a magical time of year. And then it all comes abruptly to a stop. 

I really want to just curl up and finish my book, and ignore all of my responsibilities like I have the last two weeks. I want my mom to make me a cup of tea, like she did every night, and take care of me. I want my husband to be around 24/7 to help take care of M. I want my dog to be a doggy daycare (not all day but part of the day) so that I don't have to walk her in the freezing cold in the morning...

We took down our Christmas decorations in about 45 minutes yesterday, and just like that, any trace of the holidays was gone! And it was a slap in the face, but one that was greatly needed. 

I have so much that I put off doing because of the madness of the holidays, and now I need to get my butt in gear and cross some things off my list. So enough with the post-holiday blues, it is time to be productive! 

I didn't make New Year's resolutions because I never keep them, but there are a few things that I need to change about myself in the year 2012. As I sit in my messy kitchen, I am reminded of one big one, so I better stop yapping and start doing what I need to do. 

So, we're back in action here on BBM, with new authors, new ideas and lots of fun things in store - tell your friends and get them reading too! 

I hope this new year brings you all good health and happiness...Mama J

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! We just got back from 10 glorious days in the Turks and Caicos with my parents who FIGHT over holding our daughter, feeding her,playing with her. Did I mention that our 19 month old slept until 9:30am some days? She was so chill at dinner and when she wasn't, I was out on a romantic date with my husband drinking a fruity cocktail.

    Now what? Bundling up in layers, making Mac & cheese, 5 giant loads of laundry, starting on so e organizational resolutions...blech.

    I don't even have a vacation t look forward too because like you were are doing ivf and you can't plan anything because you don't know when you have to go get your blood drawn etc....

    BUT, there is some good tv to DVR:)

    Welcome home!
