
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I Love My Job (Every Day Is Mother's Day)

Most of my posts lately have been a little on the negative side lately, so here comes one full of positivity, love and shmoopy good stuff...

My husband and I are very affectionate might even say we are shmoopy. No, we don't have our hands all over each other when we are out in public, but we do like to hold hands, smooch a little here and there, and we like to be near each other. We also tell each other I love you multiple times a day.

We have the same kind of affectionate relationship with our daughter too. There is lots of hugging, or "big huggies" as M likes to call them, and we love to give kisses. She also loves to hold our hands, be it while we are walking, or while I am driving and she is in her carseat - not the safest thing of course, but it is so cute I can't pass it up. Sometimes we force the love on her, but a lot of times she is giving out hugs and kisses freely - like today on our walk with the pooch.

We were in the park, she was walking next to me holding my hand and she just pulled my hand towards her mouth kissed it and said "Aw, I love you mama," and rubbed my hand on her cheek. My heart melted. I just looked at her little angel face and said "you are the best thing in the world," and she said "no, you are the best mama." I about passed out from love overload. Is this kid for real?

How lucky am I to have such an amazing little creature to call my daughter? How lucky am I to spend my days hanging out with this awesome kid, who (for the time being) thinks I am the best thing in the world? I am not stupid - I know that someday, probably not that far off, she is not going to want to give me huggies and kissies like she does now. I know she is not going to think I am the best, and she might even tell me she hates me in the near future, but for now I am taking it where I can get it and loving every minute of it.

When she turned 2 I feared that there would be a switch flipped and my sweet little girl would grow horns (as my mother always reminds me that I did when I was little) and be this little devil child. I am not saying it might not happen the future, but for now it has been smooth sailing through her third year of life. Of course I probably just jinxed myself, but seriously M is a great kid. And because she is a great kid, it makes my job as Mom all that more rewarding and wonderful.

I wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom for anything in the world. I feel like this is what I was meant to do. I have friends say "I don't know how you do it? I couldn't stay home with my kids..." and it amazes me that there are people that don't want to do what I do for a "living." I am not knocking working moms in anyway (I don't know how you ladies do it!) but I just cannot imagine leaving my kids in the morning and spending the day in an office. Of course I know there are women out there that have to do it for financial reasons, and I know a lot of those ladies that would love to stay home with their kids...and I totally know that some people aren't meant to stay at home with their kids. I am just not one of those people.

Thanks to such an amazingly supportive, hard-working, rock star of a husband, I am able to stay home and play Mom all day long with M. No I am not staying in my house all day long, eating brownies and watching television (well, maybe today we are :). My job requirements are to go to museums, go on "adventures", hang out with friends, go shopping, go to the park, play outside, do craft projects, etc....How could you not want to have this job?

And the benefits are amazing! I get to watch my daughter grow and learn new things every day. I get to watch her run around and explore, and see her eyes light up when she discovers new and exciting things. I also get a nice 2-3 hour long lunch break in the afternoon while she is napping to do my own thing. Yes, there are days when I am counting the seconds towards nap time, but those are few and far between. M is so easy going she makes my job all that more enjoying.

In three more months we will be adding another member to our family, and I am sure there will be a slight tremor in the force, if you will, but I am sure I will enjoy my job even more having another little angel to share the love with.

What is going to happen to my position when the kids are older and in school, and don't need me as much as they do now? Who knows. I don't have an office job to go back to, nor would I want to be back in that kind of environment. Only time will tell what is in store for Mama J, but for now I am reaping the benefits of being a Mom (I hate the term stay at home mom btw) and loving my kid, and wonderful husband, as much as I possibly can.

My family makes me feel like every day is Mother's Day, and for that I am incredibly lucky. To all the other mother's out there, may you have a wonderful Mother's day, but be treated like every day is your special day. And may you get lots of Huggies and Kissies from your kids, as well as your husbands!

Love, Mama J

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