
Friday, June 1, 2012

What did you get done today? Get it down on the Done List

A day in the life of a shop-owner and mother of 2 girls…

Read on, comment, win a facial!

I used to get stressed and wonder if I should measure the success of my day based on what I accomplished or what was left unfinished on my TO Do list. I decided to counter my daily To Do lists with a Done List and now I can sleep at night! A typical day in the life...
  1. Got up and immediately went back down for a nap on the couch
  2. Made French toast breakfast for 2yo
  3. Ran dishwasher
  4. Cleaned kitchen
  5. Checked emails
  6. Placed order
  7. Cleaned bathrooms
  8. Showered
  9. Got 3 girls dressed, including hair
  10. Showed up half an hour late for my first meeting – girls in tow
  11. Rearranged the store in one department – made a big mess in all other departments
  12. Took next meeting with Plum District – fabulous family-based deal of the day – check it out here:
  13. Dashed home for naptime
  14. Completed 2 loads of laundry
  15. Placed Amazon order for lunch bento boxes – stay tuned, this is the subject of an upcoming blog!
  16. Ordered wooden rocker for patio from for all the relaxing that won’t get done out there…
  17. Raced back to the store, arrivivg 20 minutes late for my next meeting – girls in tow – this time with, a central website for all events you are creating or attending, love it!
  18. Meltdown by 2yo – realized I forgot to feed her lunch and took her to the cafĂ© next door for mac & cheese
  19. Next meeting with the lovely Lauren, mom and creator of inspired felt flower pins, baby hats and accessories – check her out here: and in store soon at
  20. Mad dash home
  21. Bathed and changed 2 yo
  22. Vacuumed
  23. Dropped off kids with grandfather at Upper Crust (www.theuppercrustpizzeria) for pizza dinner
  24. Picked up free facial gift card from Skoah for THIS blog’s lucky readership!
  25. Dinner at Teatro ( with new friends
  26. Watched movie in the theater – “What To Expect When You’re Expecting” – laughed a little, cried a little, most of all couldn’t wait to get back home to my own 2mo baby!
  27. Blogged
  28. Fed and settled crying 2mo until we all passed out

If you think this is a long list, you should see what is left on my TO DO list! But I’m not going to let that get me down; from now on I focus only on the DONE LIST and I challenge you to try it out today!

Tell me what you did today and you’ll be in the running for a fabulous FREE ONE-HOUR FACIAL AT SKOAH BOSTON in the South End – - personal training for your skin and the ultimate reward for the busiest juggling Boston Mama!


  1. 1. Chased after my newly walking 1 year old
    2. Morning nap for him, organizing the house and coffee for me
    3. Mommy and Me at Healthworks Cambridge
    4. Drop-off old clothes at Salvation Army Somerville
    5. Attempted lunch and a quick shower
    6. Off to Hill House to make Father's Day t-shirt
    7. Afternoon nap for him, packing for me
    8. Trip to Myrtle Street Playground
    9. Walk to meet Dad on his way home from work
    10. Dinner and bath
    11. Race to Logan Airport for an 18 hour trip to Baltimore for a wedding shower (leaving the little man for the first night ever, tears for both of us!)

    1. What a fabulous post Heather! Oh my, let me interpret...

      1. You watched your sweetest lil' one reach one of the biggest milestones of his life!
      2. Snuck in a coffee - nice!
      3. Mommy and Me at the gym? You are a highly effective mom! And organized to get to class on time no doubt...
      4. Dropped off clothes for donation? That means you were busy sorting and making some decisions recently - quite a feat!
      5. I commend you for trying...
      6. Too thoughtful; too organized; love it!
      7. Energy to be productive during his nap? I would have been snoozing right alongside him!
      8. How is there still time in your day for the playground?
      9. So sweet; it's like father's day every day in your household...
      10. How do dinner and bath go in the same line item? Those are two totally separate labor-intensive activities!
      11. And you had time to blog before sneaking away to be a wonderfully thoughtful friend!

      Well my dear, you earned a facial as far as I can tell! Please send me your mailing address (if you want privacy, please send an email to: and the Skoah gift card is yours!

      Thanks for posting, you are an absolute inspiration of a mom!
