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I don't look this good in it, but I wear them every day! |
2. Anita Nursing Bras: These are my go-to nursing bras, if not wearing a nursing tank. They are a little pricey but invest in 2 nude colored bras and you will be set. They give amazing support without having any padding. I will definitely wear these after nursing too. I was wearing a size 36D bra before getting pregnant, then I bought 38DD nursing bras without getting fit. I went to a fancy bra shop and found out that I am actually a 36F, and I was amazed at how well these bras fit! Get yourself to a bra fitter before you buy nursing bras that is for sure! And wait until after you have the baby to do so...
3. Mamajama sleep bras: I wear these when I am sick of feeling constricted in a bra, or when my boobs are sore and I want to feel naked but with a little support. So soft and comfy - but definitely not to be worn out in public if you have giant melons like I do!
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My Breast Friend Forever! |
5. Lansinoh Nursing pads - Every nursing mother knows that if you don't wear nursing pads in your bra you are in for an embarrassing situation. I tried 3 different brands this time around, and found these to be the most absorbent, allowing me to change them fewer times than Johnson & Johnson and Medela brands.
6. Moby Wrap - Val is a baby that spends most of her day in my arms or in the Moby or Ergo carriers. The Moby is my favorite because it holds her so securely right against my body. Sure it takes a couple times to get the actual wrapping down pat, but once you have it down it is second nature and can be done in about 20 seconds.
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Julia Roberts uses it, so should you. |
8. Stroller Blanket from PB Kids - I received two of these as gifts when Valerie was born. I never ever thought I would get so much use out of them! And I have yet to actually use them for what they are intended - a stroller blanket. I use them in place of the infant insert in the Ergo, for tummy time, for photo shoots, in the car, at home just as a blanket. They are so amazingly soft and luxurious. Best baby gift we got this time around for sure!
9 . White Noise App for iPhone: Val hates the car - Hates with a capital H. Earlier this week I wrote a post about how I am like Sandra Bullock in Speed when in the car with her - as soon as I go below 60 she screams... that was until I put on a white noise app with sounds of the ocean the other day! I think at first she was a little scared by it, but she quickly settled and slept the entire 30 minute drive. M loved the white noise when she would sleep when she was first born too...there are a ton to choose from in the app store so check them out before you spend money on a white noise machine!
10. Petunia Picklebottom Diaper Bag: After a rodent got into my Petunia Picklebottom boxy back pack when we were at a music class in Southie last year, I went on a crazy search to find that perfect diaper bag when I found out I was pregnant with Val. I knew I wanted a backpack, as I have a bad back and carrying anything to heavy on one shoulder makes it worse, so I needed even distribution. After reading countless reviews of every backpack (diaper bag and plain old back pack) and trying most out in person, I settled on the same one I had last time. I love the choice of patterns, the size is perfect (but I do find that I fill it to the brim with two kids worth of stuff) and my husband can carry it without feeling like he is carrying a lady-bag (ok, it is pretty feminine, but it isn't one that looks like a ladies purse!).
11. Aden & Anais Muslin Blankets: I purchased these on a whim before I had M as I had to use up money on a gift card, and damn am I glad I got these! We use them for everything and anything - burp cloths, swaddling (when Val was first born, but she doesn't get swaddled now), to keep warm, etc. - one is always in our diaper bag, or on the couch, or in the car. And they wash up really nicely too!
11. A Nap - sleep as much as you can. Sleep when the baby sleeps...no matter if you are tired or not, lay down and try to sleep! I know everyone says that, but it is true, as you won't have any other time to nap during the day in the beginning.
12. A glass of wine - While I would love to polish off a bottle of wine, Val refuses to take a bottle right now so I can't pump and dump. I am stuck having a glass of wine here and there, and boy do I look forward to it and savor every last drop! And every Mama should indulge when they can...
13. An iPad for your toddler - Get one. Load it with educational apps, tv shows, movies. Let your toddler use it sparingly and don't feel guilty about it.
14. Alone time - Being a new mom is draining both emotionally and physically. Recharge yourself by taking some time for yourself, whether it be going for a run (ha - yeah I don't run) or getting a pedicure (more my speed). Don't feel guilty for one second about being away from your kids. You deserve that "you" time. And if you can, get a sitter to watch the kids so you and your husband can have some time to yourselves. We have yet to do this since Val arrived, due to the not taking a bottle fiasco, but I am dying for some adult time with my husband out in the real world!
I'm a big girl and wear size 38DDD. I don't want bras with under wires so I purchased two of these bras...the fit and lift is excellent. I was pleasantly surprise with playtex underwire nursing bra