
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Top Ten Favorite Products of a First Time Mama Bird (3-6 Month Edition)

When I find something I love, I want to shout its praises from the rooftop (or in my case, our neglected roof deck that hasn’t been used since Birdie was baking in the oven).  And yes, friends call me the “Heidi Fleiss” of products, but I can’t help but share those tangible items that make our lives that much easier, in hopes that they too will help you (but don’t be fooled, not everything is about buying something, and in fact, my Top Ten free things to do will be making its way onto the web in the next few months!).  But for now, here is a glimpse into my little black book...

MAM Soft Pacifiers- Is your kid a “MAM” baby?  Ours absolutely is, and I will tell you it is about ZERO on the fun scale to continuously go in multiple times a night to, as we call it, “re-paci” the baby.  These specific pacifiers have silicone siding for chewing, and make it really easy for Bird to hold.  In fact, she has held them and taken them out so many times that, thank Minnie Mouse as Mama J would say, she has learned to put guess it...BACK IN!

Sugarbooger Sippy Cup- In my opinion, this is the most perfect sippy cup to practice with.  At Birdie’s age, she’s still quite small and just a tad uncoordinated.  Having a petite cup, that does NOT have a valve makes both of us work harder (her: learning to regulate the flow of water, me: learning that a sopping wet baby is not the end of the world).  If you are looking for something spill-proof, this is certainly not the product for you--but if you want to help your child begin mastering an open cup, this is superb!

Baby Banana Brush- A favorite of my daughter’s right now, as she is in the beginning stages of teething.  It is a perfect size for a little one to hold, and the ideal “squishiness” for gumming.  One at home and one in the diaper bag makes for easy soothing on-the-go without too much worry.

Mumi & Bubi Freezer Storage Trays- We have started the endeavor of making our own baby food, and these freezer trays really help the process.  Though I believe I enjoy making the food more than Bird enjoys eating it, these divvied up trays save me the trouble of calculating portions.  Food does not slide out of them easily, but running a small amount of hot water on the back helps to pop the cubes right out.

The First Years Take and Toss Spoons- Does anyone else go through about twenty spoons a day?  Because we do!  With trying butternut squash five times in a twenty-four hour period, we sure rack up dishes fast.  But these inexpensive packs of spoons not only help us grab a clean utensil and go, we can even give a few to Birdie to hold on to during feeding time.  Win-win!

Munchkin White Hot Rubber Ducky- Just a rubber ducky, you say?  Ah, but not the typical one.  See, this duck not only has the rubbery chewy goodness that a regular one would posses, but reveals the word “HOT” if the bath water is too warm for baby, and does not have a hole in it the way most do.  Do you know how happy that makes THIS Mama Bird?  Very happy...because though those holes are optimal for bath time fun, they are prime culprits of creating mildew, meaning those squirty toys must be trashed or turned over pretty often.  This ducky?  Mildew-free and gumming perfection.

Prince Lionheart Bebepod Flex Plus- I’m not sure about your kids, but it seems that our daughter always want to be a part of the action.  It isn’t that she has to be held, she just wants to be around us and doing something fun!  This contraption is actually where she usually is when I’m writing, catching up on e-mails, or paying bills.  We sit on the floor together--her working on her sitting and balancing skills, and me, well...getting stuff done!

OXO Tot Sprout High Chair- We love love love our high chair!  Purchased wayyy before Birdie was born, we wondered if we would regret our decision.  Instead, we started sticking Bird in it about a month before trying solids.  She sat, a little slumped over mind you, and learned to be content in it.  It made for a really smooth transition when we began solids last week!

Sassy Ring ‘O’ Links- Yup, a staple I know.  I couldn’t love these more--I hook everything to them, and I hook them everywhere (to highchair straps, Bjorn Bouncer, car seat, etc.).  A set at home and a set kept in the diaper bag is a must for our household.

Sassy Crib and Floor Mirror-  The perfect toy for tummy time!  If you walk into our house, you will most likely find Birdie on her SkipHop playmat, starting on her back and now rolling over to her tummy.  This mirror has kept her entertained for longer than I should probably admit--looking at her reflection, grabbing the buggies, and spinning the ball round and round.

Now that I’ve given up my tried and true three-to-six month finds, shout out some of yours!

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