
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Mom's Resolutions for the New Year

To ring in the new year in a wild, unforgettable kind of way last night, we ate pizza. At the kitchen island. In our pajamas.

Oh, but did I mention we were also wearing party hats? That's right, we know how to have a good time.

As I stuffed my face with pepperoni, I turned to S, now a wise, introspective 3-year-old, and asked her if she had any resolutions for the new year (after attempting to explain what resolutions are). She answered "happy new year," which I chose to believe meant that she intends to have a happy 2013.

It was my turn next. What are my resolutions? I rattled off the usual: to drink more water, take better care of my teeth, exercise, etc. I'd like to learn to cook more, and add some more interesting dishes to my repertoire, but with two young kids in the house, that one realistically might need to wait until 2016 or so.

What did I not mention in any of my resolutions? My children. I did not resolve to spend more time with them, to better keep my patience, to tell them I love them more. I didn't resolve to feed them more healthful meals, to cut back on S's hours of screen time, to give milky little E more frequent baths.

But not because I don't care about those things.

I didn't resolve to do better as a mom because that's where I feel like I'm already doing my best. I mean, of course I could keep my patience a little more, and I could squeeze in an additional "I love you" every day. I could probably get down on the floor and play with S a little more energetically. And could I better stimulate E's baby brain with more one-sided conversation and high-contrast black-and-white illustrations? Sure.

But I already have sore knees from playing "horsey" with S. I already smell of spoiled milk because I prioritize snuggling with E over my own daily shower. And "I love you sooo much" is one of my most common phrases. I'm trying pretty hard to be a good mother, and honestly, I think I'm doing a damn good job. I bet you are, too. So maybe the only resolutions we need to make in that department are to be proud of ourselves. And to keep on keeping on.

Happy New Year.


  1. Nana and Papa are fierce critics where our grandchildren are concerned, and ... we think you are doing a damn good job too!

  2. I love this. Very nicely put.
