
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Table Food Feeder Pleasers: Greek Yogurt Pancakes

While Bird nears the eleven-month mark, we are attempting to introduce more and more new flavors and textures to her ever-changing palate.  I have found myself setting aside three times a day to get a real meal into her--cook it, divide it out, store it properly, set-up, clean-up, and on and on and on.  And while sitting in front of her intensely watching as she pincer-grasped single pea after single pea and dropped them off her highchair, eating absolutely nothing for lunch, I was frustrated.  I put her down to play, and quickly threw together a burrito for myself.  As I ate, she gave a look of devastation, and the screech of a pterodactyl.  It was then that realized I was doing something very very wrong.  Sticking her in her highchair with food she never sees us consume, and expect her to eat on her own?  Ridiculous thought!

Since this occurred a few days ago, we have been out to eat a few times with family who is in town.  Her highchair has been pulled right up to our table, and she LOVES eating with us, what we are eating, when we are eating.  DUH!

So, my new goal is to create dishes that our whole family could sit down and enjoy together.  They are not super gourmet, they are not going to necessarily tickle your taste buds, but they are simple, easy, and reliable, and that is not a bad place to start!  As I plow through recipes trying to appease Birdie’s taste buds, my husband’s texture issues, and my picky eating, I hope to share some of the more popular ones with you!  For staters, here is my easiest go-to...

Greek Yogurt Pancakes:  Makes approximately 4 medium pancakes

These protein-packed, no sugar-added pancakes are Bird’s absolute fav!  The yogurt provides substantial protein while keeping the cakes super moist.  Mix all ingredients below, and cook in a pan over medium-high heat until golden (you can grill them in a bit of butter, or olive oil as I did).  Serve immediately, refrigerate for up to two days, or freeze.  Top with chopped berries, all-natural maple syrup, or mix a little maple syrup into more greek yogurt to thin it out and turn it into a sweetened topping.

1/2 cup whole wheat flour
6 ounces plain full-fat Greek yogurt (such as Fage)
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

*Or to sweeten it up a tiny bit, replace the 6 ounces Greek yogurt with only 4 ounces Greek yogurt, and 2 ounces no-sugar added applesauce.  You will notice the recipe calls for whole wheat flour, but regular all-purpose white flour is completely fine.  You will also see that no ingredients are specified “organic” (because people, that is a preference, NOT an ingredient, though I do prefer to use it when available)*

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