
Monday, May 20, 2013

It's a new's a new day

...and I'm feeling good...

Hello loyal readers,
Hope you are all having a lovely Monday morning. I am sharing a big (well, big to me) announcement this morning. Things are going to be a little different here at Boston Baby Mama, as I have decided to go solo on the blog. No longer will it be a group of Mamas writing on the site, it will just be little old Mama J, sharing her stories, opinions and reviews. My hope in going solo is that I will dedicate much more time to the blog, and to our other social media outlets, and in turn have more new content for you on a regular basis.

I have been thinking about making this change for a few weeks now, and I just feel like now is the right time to do it.

I thank my past writers/contributors for sharing their experiences and opinions with us over these past 4 years. I wish each of you Mamas the best of luck in all you do.

I can't promise that most of my posts won't be written late at night after a couple glasses of wine (Cabernet and a keyboard is always a winning combination in my opinion!) but I can promise that there will be much more to read and enjoy!


Mama J